In preparation for Arbaeen pilgrimage... KHS sends logistic support to Al A'askarya Holy Shrine

On the occasion of the Million Arbaeen Ziyarat of Imam Hussein (AS), under the guidance of the KHS Secretary General, Dr. Haider H. Al-Shammari, the first convoy of service requirements were set out to the Holy Shrine of Imam Ali AL-Hadi & Imam Hasan AL-Askari (PBUT), to meet the needs and receive the multitudes of visitors who came from Iraq and abroad, and provide them with all requirements of hospitality, in order to enhance and ensure the success of this great event and to implement the best methods to fulfill that.
It’s worth mentioning, that the KHS Secretariat General is always keen to keep the joint cooperation among the holy shrines and holy sanctuaries. Such a state would lead to the fulfillment of the common objectives and go in one direction, which is serving the Holy Imams and their visitors.
